
We had a quick walk this afternoon, hoping to see a local deer herd, but they weren't there today.  Alfred could smell them though, I'm sure! 
In the supermarket, as I put my Heinz baked beans down at the checkout, we spotted the woman in front of us had a Tesco bag, and Mr K whispered to me in German 'look at the bag' and she must have heard as she said something like 'yes, I'm English'.  I said, 'so am I', and she said 'yes, I noticed your baked beans'!  :-)

Sometimes I just have to have baked beans and mashed potato with cheddar grated on top...  But not tonight.  Tonight Mr K is making French Galettes with smoked salmon, baby spinach, and tomato sauce... Or at least he's trying to - there's lots of sighing and discontented mumbling coming from the kitchen as I type... :-)  

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