At Last

By 8


E is working like mad to give birth to his shed... he did promise mine would only be out of action for a couple of weeks - needless to say we're a tad past that deadline... just that mine is full of his stuff till he's finished his... he's taking down the two smaller ones behind mine and making them into one bigger one. Had a glimpse in there this afternoon and it looks like the big one has a baby shed inside... cute...
Meanwhile I can't get on with any pastels cos we haven' got the new top on the drafting table we're renovating and I don't want to disturb him in shed bulding mode... and my other table project (mosaic) needs two pairs of hands to re-glue the tyre edging... so I have that feeling of unsettlement that I understand artists get when they want to do something but can't.
Life drawing last night was fun though - not one but 2 models - wish I'd taken bigger paper for the dual poses...
In a careless moment earlier this week I was persuaded by a friend to fill in some time with a knitting project. Ages since I've done any - thought I'd do something simple - decided on a pattern for a neckerchief - the lady in the shop assure me it was simple.
Pffft am gonna do her for the trades descriptions act.
Took me and my sis - who is an establised and experienced knitter an hour how to figure out how to do the first half a dozen lines... is it me or have all the abbreviations changed... serves me right for being wooed by the colours in the ball of yarn I got. (see extra pic)
But it was good sitting with my sister and being frustrated and giggling together... hasn't happened since we were kids. Thank you to the knitting godess for that.
Just realised I have that life preserving ring to sand down and restore - tomorrow I think if my neck and shoulders have unknotted themselves from the knitting stress...

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