Country File

By marypot

The fair

Strange mix of a day.
This morning we went to say goodbye to my Dad at the Chapel of Rest. It was a surreal experience. I've never had to do that before. I think it has helped me with some closure, but I'm still so terribly sad. I went with my sister. Grace and Ophelia came in too. Ophelia has been asking to do this ever since she lost her Grandad and, as I had expected, she wanted to touch, stroke and check for herself to know he had gone. She had lots of questions. I was surprised Grace went in. She said it was creepy and found it hard so she left quickly, though came back later, out of curiosity I think.
This afternoon we all went to the village fair. Stupidly expensive as ever but also a lot of fun for the girls and just what they needed after this morning. Me too, though I'm feeling so drained physically and emotionally that everyday things are incredibly difficult to cope with right now.

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