Life is a Minestrone !!

By bererunner

BBC Weather App........

Not sure what's going with the BBC Weather App on my iphone, well not exactly the app itself, but the people who predict the weather displayed by the app.
Due to the hours I work, any time away from the workplace is precious, so I try to plan my days, especially if I want to get out with the camera. The BBC Weather App as well as three or four other apps are central to planning my weekends. Photo Pills and My tide Times are spot on, but the BBC app recently is changing from hour to hour. Today was supposed to be Light Cloud this morning changing to clear skies with full sunshine to sunset and a clear night beyond. Totally wrong.
They're predicting rain first thing through till 1 in the afternoon.
Probably be full sunshine then........ I won't be holding my breath.

Entrance to Portsmouth Harbour this morning.


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