The Wedding Band

A friend of mine, who used to be an excellent bellringer, was married today so we rang a quarter peal to celebrate. We were able to have at least one ringer representing each tower in the island. They were married at their home, which is close enough to be able to hear the bells so we hope they enjoyed our efforts. This is the band, minus me, who is behind the camera, of course.

I had expected to have a quiet day at home yesterday but this ringing, combined with an earlier wedding at the same church took up much of my day so I've still not caught up with myself. I have a busy few days coming up because I have to try to arrange a date to get my furniture over the Alderney. The old fashioned way. I believe it has to be loaded into containers and craned onto the ship... Which brings back memories of taking cars to St Malo on holiday and watching them being craned on or off.

But enough rambling. I hope to move in the second half of July and am hoping to arrange a Blipmeet before I go. I'll try to contact all the Guernsey blippers I know of but if you read this then you're welcome. Not sure where or when; maybe  a Sunday afternoon? And somewhere easily accessible because Karen still can't walk far. Any ideas?

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