Every beginning is difficult

Two of us started a new project to form an eight crew with interested people. The goal is to visit our neighbouring club later this year and therefore rowing the Marathon distance for the way there and back. In total 16 people signed up, motivated to be part of this project. Today was the start and especially for that day we received instructions from an experienced trainer. 

Initially we planned two training cycles, changing people inbetween. But the wind was against us. With high waves and plenty of water in the boat we were happy to reach the pontoon after the first training cycle and had to stop the training on water.

Anyway, we learned a lot about the necessary rowing skills on an eight and on which skills we still have to put efforts. It is obvious that we just made a first step in team building and probably the same phases of team development await us as described by Bruce Tuckman: Forming > Storming > Norming > Performing.

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