From Cymbeline

By Cymbeline

Autumn Harvest, Rouse Hill House and Farm

Not the most perfect day for a picnicky day, but, perhaps the crowds were kept down a little with that.

Kelly's, Trish, Mum and friend Lesley, Bob and I met up at Rouse Hill Farm for a bit of a jaunt.  There was plenty of mud underfoot (I wore suede boots - huh??) and there was pig on a spit and walks through the old homestead - still using oil lamps in 1960!  The farm was the social hub of the area and it's fortunes have waxed and waned over the six generations of the family whilst they were in residence.

Wayne took us for a tour around Richmond Cemetery on the way home - the oldest grave is for one of the Rouse family's children who died aged 5 in 1809.  

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