All present and correct
Today was TallGirl's day. Fourteen. Sheesh.
A present wrapping frenzy last night, and dressing the kitchen with balloons - will she still appreciate that next year? I hope so. I have to say, I have never wrapped a hammer before - and it is not such an easy job as you might imagine* - but those who know Mr B well will not be surprised to learn that is is not my first time wrapping duck tape.
The DIY gear (plus nails, rope and chains) was CarbBoy's idea since TallGirl is very into advanced den-building just now. (Also, don't tell Mr B this, but his second best hammer suffered a failure of quite serious proportions during earlier den building... Do you know how hard it is to buy a claw hammer in France?)
So, an early start, with present opening, then pancake and fizz brunch, small amounts of work for Mr B (Riyadh is working today). Then a boys vs girls Cranium (which the boys astoundingly won) but which was mainly noteable for the numbers of pages it took everyone to get me to guess 'Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels' in a pictionary round (TallGirl was insensible laughing by the end) and also for CarbBoy's amazing charades skills. Blipping and lurking girls from our New Year team: I fear for the future... We need to work on our daughters' skills full-time!
Now roast pork is producing quite delightful kitchen smells, so it must be time to go and pick some chard.
* using strips of paper is key - like you're bandaging it. See, don't you learn useful skills around here.
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