Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Ardbeg Day

Early start for both of us today. I was booked in for the Edinburgh 10K starting at 9am. Turned out to be a nice morning for it with sun and not too much wind. Disappointing time of 55:49, but I haven’t been training much the last few weeks. Still finished but it did hurt.
J had been up town to sort out paying off the mortgages and parents now we have the flat money. Not much left now.
After lunch we headed out to the Gardening Scotland show. We were looking for fake grass and a garden shed. Managed to find both there. Held off ordering the shed until we could check if it’s the right size and will look OK in the garden. Seems it will. J enjoyed eating her way around the food hall and managed to get a whole salmon for £10. She also got a new bonsai tree for the birthday in a few weeks.
Came home and ordered pizza as we were both tired. While we were waiting for it to arrive we spoke to someone about booking a holiday to Antarctic in 2017 for J’s 40th birthday. Seems like we have found the right trip and just need to wait for the dates to come out. Very exciting.

Also had a reminder that it is Ardbeg day today. 200 years old. Here is my collection to celebrate. Sadly, not drinking tonight as we have an early start tomorrow. We are doing a 2K open water swim in Bardowie loch near Glasgow. As the weather is getting worse with strong winds forecast they have brought the start time forward an hour, which will mean we have a 5.30 start in the morning.

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