Coventry Motorfest

Annie spent a second day in Brighton whilst I (Chris) headed up to meet friends in Coventry (including fellow blipper MartinN) to visit the Motorfest. I took the Triumph for another proving run although I was too late this year to take part in the actual event. Definately building more confidence in the car as I rack up a few miles. Seemed to cruise happily up the M40 and a slighlt more cross country route via Southam coming home. The engine is certainly burning a bit of oil which we will need to look at over the summer.

Coventry had put on a great event, the city centre was littered with classics and a section of dual carrigeway close to the centre was closed off to allow a variety of stock cars, hot rods and other motorsport to be showed off to the crowds. There really was something for anyone who is a fan of cars.

As ever with these types of events, getting photos without other visitors in was tricky to say the least, especially when coupled with a consistent sprinkling of rain. The blip had to be some live action though, smoke, coordinated doughnuts and plentry of tyre tracks with a backdrop of speed restriction signs and bollards!! I've put a couple of others up on Flickr here, will add a few more later this evening.

Check out Martin's super close up shot.

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