
By don376

Pruning day today!

With all the rain we have been having lately the branches of many of our trees are rapidly approaching the back of the house and also taking away precious light from the flower beds.  So this afternoon, after the morning deluge, I had fun pruning the overhanging branches using a very handy gadget as you can see from photo 1 and 2 (LHS and middle). The pole can extend to about 3 metres and it is topped off by an evil looking cutter.  All you have to do is hook the top part of the "jaw"onto a branch and then by pulling on the rope, which is attached by a clever pulley mechanism, you can exert considerable cutting force from the lower blade on to the branch.  Then, hey presto, the branch comes tumbling down (mind your head!).  The cut branches are then despatched by the "hurdy gurdy" machine which is my name for the Bosch Garden Shredder.  This is a great "boys toy" and you can have loads of fun grinding up all the branches. It really does work as can be seen from my little video.  Well, gardening should be fun!

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