
By Madchickenwoman


Well not a brilliant or long nights sleep - attic window had blown wide open and my bed was sodden wet when I went up! So went straight back downstairs and slept on kitchen sofa! Woken at 6.30 by text from land Rover Girl to say she was ready to go up to the allotment! 20 minutes later having done my animals and had a boost from my George Clooney - I was clambering into her land rover! Not easy for a person of diminutive stature i.e. short!
Once there we let the chickens out one by one and grabbed them ( most of the time!) and shook mite powder under their wings! Once the ground dries I will put it in their dust baths so they self medicate but until then this will have to do! Then it was on to the coop clean! Land rover girl was both amazed and disgusted by the fat red clusters! We squished and smeared them into red streaks, then sprayed every inch of the coop. By the end of it she had mites crawling up her arm and had been bitten!!
I had intended to return to the plot in the afternoon to put in my legumes and take photographs - but my Shingles informed me otherwise! I have my very own warning system now - when I have overdone it my shoulder blade  feels like there are a cluster of bees crawling under the skin - buzz!Buzz!BUZZ! So when they get all agitated I know it is time for me to rest and do nothing - otherwise they will take flight and go swarming down my nerves painfully! So nothing  is exactly what I did! I caught up on blip, ate, slept, more blip, visit from Nellie of the Woods, a few photographs in the back garden. This pink ribbon I tied round my new willow planter - it is all planted up with sweet peas and some plates covering them to prevent the mice from digging them up and eating them - they are partial to legumes too! Forecast says gales in the south west monday to tuesday - but then a heatwave? So my other legumes can wait a few days more to be planted! Then suddenly it was bedtime for my and the allotment chickens! Once I have eaten that is where I shall head too! To a nice dry bed! 

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