
By FarmerGirl

Vivid, Sydney

What a fantastic night we had! We met some Sydney blippers at Circular Quay, had tea and a good catch up, then started our 'tour' of the vivid show. The colours were amazing, and standing (and sometimes sitting) watching the show was simply beautiful. We spent 3 1/2 hours happily clicking away, taking many shots, some not so good, but others so very beautiful.

I've never taken night shots before, so was a learning curve for me. Many thanks to Jensphotos, TeeJay and the other blippers who helped me with my settings, and other bits of photographic information.

We returned back to Darling Harbour on the ferry, and we're very fortunate to see all the lights again, this time from the water. The Harbour Bridge was so beautiful. After getting of the ferry, we walked to Darling Harbour and spent time there watching the light show. Feeling a bit peckish, we decided to have an ice cream (at 11pm!), before returning back to our hotel.

It's been an amazing experience, and one I will always remember. Thank you Jen, Beckett, Trisharoomi, Isbi and Tussocktales, for coming out to meet us. And thank you to TeeJay for making sure we get everywhere we were meant to be! It was an amazing day!

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