My Sticks*

Blake was happy to chase after Ozzie until Ozzie got the sticks. Then Ozzie seemed perfectly willing to let Blake have the sticks, although he had to get his teeth on them before Ozzie would let go. Blake brought back the sticks and is much better about giving up the sticks than Ozzie, so between the two of them we had a pretty good game of fetch going.

I went to the kitchen shop to recycle our used Nespresso pods and get a fresh bag, and came home with a cedar plank and a "plank saver" for OilMan to barbecue salmon on, and a "butter bell" which keeps butter fresh and soft at room temperature. I love the kitchen shop. 

Feeling daring and adventurous, I went across the street to "Ma Cherie et Moi" where I spent a phenomenal amount of money on a certain undergarment... actually three of them.,  I think I was semi-permanently scarred in this regard when my mother marched me into a shop known for "a good fit" when she deemed it was time. I will draw a veil over the various ways which the assistants had perfected in embarrassing young customers.

While I was doing  that, OilMan was making reservations for the Ahwahnee Hotel in Yosemite for October. It will be midweek after school starts and includes the night of the full moon, so I think he covered all bases. I've included the group photo of Anne and Harold with their children and grandchildren (and us) after their 50th anniversary dinner there.

*Thanks to Dana for grabbing her iPhone and this picture 

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