Journey Through Time

By Sue

The Earth Moves Too Fast!

When you see something GREAT when you are in the parking lot at Fred Meyer and then you race home for the camera and then go up to where you can actually get some kind of a view, you realize just how fast the earth is moving, and you are yelling STOP!  Pause, please.  Doesn't work.  So, by the time you get to the place where you can see the clouds that were GREAT, about 6 minutes ago....they aren't exactly great anymore.  But I get an A for effort.  And Bill as he was a good guy to try to get me where I wanted to be.  The Earth just doesn't care what I want. 

I have two back blips, because I didn't mess with this during our garage sale.  Just go backwards in time to see them.  :)

And I had the most fun EVER with genealogy, as the DNA that my aunt did for Ancestry has gotten us some new information AND we located a son of my uncle, who recently died.  He was looking for his birth father, and he ended up with a complete genealogy for the half that was missing in his life.  What a nice man, too.  So happy to have him in our family.  

Between that and the sale, it was a busy few days.

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