
By BrackenOE

Back at the Vets ....

with a strained sacro-iliac joint (ouch!!!) After his dinner last night 'B' got his usual toy out and wasn't charging around with it but as it was raining he was in the kitchen area. Next thing we knew the toy was in the hallway and he was sitting near to it looking a little sorry for himself. As he could walk okay but was apprehensive about going up the steps of the garden and guarding himself around his back end area we thought may be he had thrown it in the air and twisted and strained a muscle. As he settled down for the night we decided an emergency appointment last night was not necessary but took him first thing this morning. After a thorough examination the Vet is pretty sure he has strained his sacro-iliac joint so may have twisted himself in an awkward way whilst playing with the toy when we weren't watching him. So a quick jab of a painkiller and Metacam anti-inflammatory daily and then back for a check up on Wednesday morning unless he worsens. Lead walks only but no charging about (so I think the cage will come back indoors) as once the pain killers kick in the Vet says he will probably feel good and want to charge about not realising that this type of strain needs controlled exercise to heal. It hasn't affected his appetite for sure and he is waiting for his next meal as we gave him a small breakfast in case he needed x-rays this morning which at this stage are not necessary. To think of all that charging up and down the garden for the past 7 years he has got away with and no ill effects, and then probably just moved in an awkward way last night and did this! I thought it best to put his toy box away until after he has seen the Vet again on Wednesday morning so not sure how that will go down with him!

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