An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Layzeeeeee Saturdeeee...


Saw David for all of two minutes this morning as he headed off just after 8am to play golf with Kenny.

I didn't get up quite so early but by the time David got back at 12.30, Alan and I had had lunch, Alan was heading out for a haircut with Ed, and David and I had the afternoon to ourselves.

So many niggley little jobs around the house we could have been doing but instead we set ourselves up with coffee, cake and our books in the Gin Palace and spent a pleasant afternoon reading, chatting and nodding off!  (That was mostly me!)

Came inside for dinner and realised I hadn't taken a photo so a quick shot of the hydrangea bought for me by this lovely lady earlier this year.   

You will be delighted to hear Marie, that not only is this beautiful plant still alive, I have been hardening it off over the last month and fingers crossed, it will be ready to plant outside by the end of this week.  

And here's me thinking that I, Mrs Catus Killer, doesn't have a green finger to her name!  :))

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