
By milltownlass

Ladybower Reservoir, Derbyshire

After waiting forever (that's only a slight exaggeration!) for our daughter to decide what to wear, we lost patience and left her at home with our son in charge.

We decided to head towards Derbyshire. After passing through Glossop to find it closed, we followed the road on to Ladybower. We climbed most of the way up the hill behind the reservoir, before admitting defeat, then wandered around, without a map until we found our way back to the car.

On the way home we stopped for a drink at the Snake Pass Inn, before arriving home to be greeted with our son's usual first question, "What's for tea?". The kids had managed to get along find without us for a couple of hours. Fabulous.

I wonder where we can go next time???

A view of the reservoir showing one of the spillway shafts (giant plugholes). Ladybower reservoir provides drinking water for the East Midlands and Sheffield.

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