#Lucky, happy & loved

By J4n3t

Mono Monday Challenge: Sharp (learning)

So after following one or two more seasoned blippers (JohnH1989 in particular), I'm beginning to get the hang of it.
For my attempt I've chosen a pick of some chives taken in the polytunnel while it was tipping it down outside. (I hope it works).
Managed a whole 5k on my walk today, not quite my normal pace but still at least I'm up to my daily distance.
Was thinking, as I was buffeted by the wind, that I'm gonna have to bite the bullet and actually get on my bike (with ear muffs) otherwise I never will, if I wait for the wind to settle I'll be waiting forever, our wee valley seems to be a permanent wind tunnel!
Dentist tomorrow - check up so hopefully nothing to freak about (fingers crossed).
Hubby back to work this morning, hope he's managed (he's still a bit washed out).
Oh I've just realised it's my 90th blip!!

Thank you to JDO for hosting the challenge this month

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