Muttley's Musings

By RuralDave

Rannerdale towards Crummock Water

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I took the opportunity of heading back to Rannerdale for the morning while Mum and Dad had an easy morning back in their caravan.

It was quite a cloudy and overcast day, but I had Rannerdale to myself for about 90 minutes before other walkers started to appear in the dale.

The display of Bluebells was unbelievable, and I had only really associated them with woodland, so it was very strange to see so many on the open fell side. So many it was hard coming up with good compositions to do the scene justice.

In the evening I nipped up to Castlerigg stone circle in the hope of a repeat of the previous evenings sunset, but nothing really materialised, although I did get some fun shots of the lambs in the field climbing onto the stones. Have a look at the fun in my additional picture

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