Puncture Free!

OK, today wasn't.  But one has to be positive.

I've been a bit wary about getting back on my bike.  It's been a good five weeks since my last ride and I always seem to lose my fitness really quickly.  Anyway, it was most enjoyable.  I didn't do any big hills, just a simple circuit to Otley, Addingham and back.  This was, however, curtailed in Ilkley with one of my classic punctures.  

With words like, Fried Fish Sandwiches, I  caught the train home, concluding that the gods were on my side after letting me do most of my ride and getting me within easy walking distance of a train.

I have since inspected my tube, found a snake bite hole, read up a bit more, discovered I should investigate a second hole, sealed the snake bite and found the second hole that caused the snake bite.

The tiny, tiny hole was on the back of the valve and, with the advice of Chevin Cycles, they think I'd tightened the valve nut too tightly.  This could very well be true as every time I get a puncture, I'm sure I tighten it more tightly in the hope of preventing one… seems I might be causing it!  You don’t learn this in 5000 puncture-free miles!  I have discovered a lot with my eclectic mix of deflating moments.

I am now confident of another 5000 puncture-free miles. [wry smile]

I've taken a photo of this tree on the edge of the slope before but today the greens were glorious and the contrasts in the mowing striking so I've chosen this view again.

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