The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Too wet to go out

Fortunately, I didn't get too wet on any of my trips to or from work today. Storms have set in since I returned home, and gales are forecast tonight. Hello! it's June 1st!

My journey on Mondays takes me along the Cotswold canal, now being restored, and here I spied this little duck family on a fishing platform. CleanSteve says they are an invasive and aggressive species, (coming over here, stealing our jobs, taking our women....) certainly this mother kept chasing off another adult who was near her chicks, repeatedly running and flapping her wings at it. They're a bit blurry but there were other towpath users and I was in a hurry, in the rain.

After many days of being at home feeling sub-par, it was a pleasure to be back at work, in my two jobs. Some of the children at work had been away for half term, but many had not. When I came home, I watched TV, then made a huge batch of marmalade (ten jars this time) and a frugal supper. All this whilst chatting on the phone ... sometimes I believe I CAN multitask!

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