Life as it happens:)

By Bushbaby76

Nosey neighbour...

Today I've spent the day counting and timing " braxton hicks" I'm getting really fed up with the uncertainty of it all, husband is banning me from movin and it's doing my head in!!!
I'm a doer not a not doer!!!
I called the mfau under husbands orders and she was rude and in helpful made me cry so I'm point blank refusing to up there!!!!!
I am sure as its my 4th baby midwives think I should just be able to do everything myself, true for some folk I'm sure but a quick look at my notes would prove diff!!! My 3rd son arrived 4 weeks early and was in nicu so I'm nervous the same could happen again but s bit earlier! I refused to believe I would have him early and did so who knows you just can't control natures course can you?!!!

So tonight will consist of me counting and timing, stressing and fretting and worrying things are happening!??

My Jason bless him is frantically decorating to make sure all is sorted if anything does happen!!

So here's to just waiting to see!!!

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