Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

Stormy times

Chesterton Mill appears many times on various websites. I'll make no apologies for showing it again.

In a day with few opportunities I have four or five images to chosse from this evening. This was on the way home with an earlier storm receding into Northamptonshire. It's not that easy to get an clear view of this folly so that you can see the sails, especially from the roads where you can easily stop. I pulled into the entrance to Leamington Football Club and stood on the seat to get high enough for a view over the hedge opposite.

Its the start of the month again so Monthly Reports and KPIs to produce - that and cleaning up someone else's data (un-believably dirty it is too). Frightening that parts of the organisation are using it for key commercial and operational decisions. It like being thrown back into the dark ages - Excel should be taken off most people - they just don't know how to obtain, maintain and use data. It doesn't help when even after 4 years following a merger that we still have a multitude of functional islands for operational systems. But thats another story....

With 45 minutes left of the normal day (having got in almost an hour early too) my bosses boss asks for a whole load of data for a conference call with Australian counterparts at 8am tomorrow - no pressure then.

More of the same tomorrow no doubt.

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