
By Cailleach

I Am The Egg Man....

Well, actually I'm not - my friend Doris is. (His name isn't Doris, it's Gordon. I have absolutely no idea when or why I started to call him Doris, but I do, and he has never objected. It's presumably for the same reason I have always referred to my older brother as my 'wee' brother. Neither of us has a clue why, but he goes along with it quite happily. Mind you, I think we confuse people at times when I introduce him to people as my little brother and then he introduces me as his little sister.....)

Anyway, the eggs......

Doris has this secret place where he buys duck eggs at £1.50 for six. They are unbelievably fresh, with the most wonderful flavour. Sometimes, when he's got time, he converts them into the lightest scones imaginable....or a Spanish tortilla....or a cheesecake.....

Today, he was fishing with his son, so I was given the eggs unadulterated....maybe I'll just boil 'em.

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