Bird Feeding

There is nothing more exciting and sometimes frightening than feeding the birds. Marie and I had some hot chips for lunch and sat down at the Botanical Gardens to eat our lunch; no sooner had we parked and we were swarmed by Seagulls. This wee boy was feeding the birds and every time a duck got a piece of bread the seagulls chased it trying to get the bread. One of our Harrier Club Members died on Sunday, John Souter was a former Davis Cup Tennis Rep and our Club Handicapper. John could Handicap a runner and have the Handicap so accurate he could get the time to within 30 seconds. John always had a scrap piece of paper or a notebook and his trusty pencil at every race and had records going back for years. John had a Stroke and lay on his floor for possibly up to 3 days before he was found. John was a little reclusive and lived on his own. So tomorrow I have Marie going to Surgery and depending on what happens Surgery wise and Recovery I hope to get to Johns Funeral in the afternoon. Please think about this and if you have a neighbour or friend who lives on their own and you see something that looks out of place just check up and see if they are OK.  

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