Fred & Andy

By FredAndy

A rather large millipede

We head off with Reza at 6.30am and all seems well, until we manage to skip breakfast completely!  Fred only asked if there was anywhere that did roti (bread) instead of rice and somewhere, lost in translation, he thinks we don't want any.  No matter, we head to pick up our local guide, Saddique, and get dropped off ... the owner of the car has driven us today. We have a pot noodle with egg and a coffee for breakfast at a local shop and we are finally off on our trek.

The trek is hot and quite hard in places climbing over trees and going under things. We pass two waterfalls and arrive at the jungle lodge in under two hours where we have a nice lunch of rice and vegetables prepared by Reza and Saddique. We rest for a while then head off for an afternoon's wildlife spotting.

We see some old orangutan nests but nothing recent and see a few gibbons and some red macaques in the distance but there's not many. There are loads of insects around though in particular these large millipedes everywhere. As dusk comes, the jungle comes alive with sounds and there are some really loud singing insects that keep us amused for an hour or so before quietening down again.

A quick dip in the river to freshen up then we have dinner and make up our bed. A mattress on the top floor in the open air with a mosquito net. We play backgammon by candle.and head torch light then everyone heads to bed early as we've decided to have an early start and go for a wildlife spotting walk before breakfast. 

Although we've not seen much it's been a good start to our jungle adventure. It's quite an amazing feeling being the only four people in this area of the rainforest.

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