
Today Calum, Jemma and I went for lunch and then we dropped Jemma at the station so that she can go and spend the afternoon in London before heading back to Manchester. Cal and I had a mooch and then did some shopping and I dropped him home. I've just woken up after an industrial strength snoozle. Not the shabbiest Wednesday ever.

The shot is of my dish because Jemma is a veggie and Calum is a teenage boy (and thus not interested in anything as exotic as this). The artichoke tapenade was scrummy too (and again untouched by any 16 year old man-child).

So we've hit the middle of a strange old week - in fact it's the cusp of the weekend - so get yourself relaxed and refurbished ready for the gentle little Thursday which is soon to wrap us in its warm embrace.

Vaya con pollo hombres.

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