Books where ever they will fit!

I was explaining to Peter May that I have even given up some of my tiny closet space for some of my books!  These are mainly my paperbacks and many are from my pre-teen years.  They have sailed trans-Atlantic twice on our boat and have been read countless times.

These books include Lucy Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables series, Catherine Cookson's The Lord & MaryAnn series to name a few.  In there I also have books on knitting, cross stitch and knots.  When sailing trans-Atlantic the first time, I used the knot book to learn what I needed so that I could do neat knot work on the tiller so that it had a "bumper" when pushed hard over and hitting the cockpit seats.  More than 35 years later, it's still there doing it's job!

Today I cleaned out some of the clothes in my closet and drawers, but can't give up any of my books!  I even sometimes go back and read some of these old books. 

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