Burroughs Hill Pano

After yesterday's deluge and today's forecast for 40mph plus winds I wasn't expecting to get out at lunchtime today.
Yes - it was very windy, but uncharacteristically warm for such windy weather with only the threat of rain. So, I took a quick walk out into the park and arrived back late for a meeting that had slipped my mind, and, when back, I couldn't join the call. Oops.

Not expecting the opportunity I didn't have a camera anywhere nearby so this is an iPhone Pano - the first time I've used it this way. The detail is incredible for a software generated image taken hand held in a howling gale.

And, the highlight of the day, is that Blatter is going. There have been many hours of discussion in our house over the last week or so on his recent tenure and antics at FIFA. I suspect the subject will remain high up there on list of topics. Is it just possible that he found out that someone else knows something that he didn't think they did, and now, they've told someone else that he would rather they didn't?
Criticising the FBI was never going to be a sensible course of action I suspect. They don't take things like gracefully!

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