Wings Do More Than Fly .

Quite some time now since the geese hatched their eggs (See 20th April ).
The size of brood went down to 4  but the family seem to be doing a great job. They move location every now and again and like some anxious parent I do worry .Today we all met up alongside  the Rochdale Canal ..Dad as ever ,like a soldier on duty .Mother is wonderful and here is a prime example .The weather has been mixed and very windy . After their late swim she tucked all as best she could under one wing giving dad a chance to preen himself  and keeping the now, not so little ones warm . After a while some heads popped up .Was it story time ?
The extras, illustrate growth, one is a rather blurred shot of dad as he flew into the canal (followed by mother and running along the bank the little ones) Soon all had a swim and returned .for the siesta .Finally another shot showing how wonderful the wing is as a very flexible cover .

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