midwife crisis

By lulubelle

Brians view

This is the view from the car mechanics in Schull. If that was my work space I'm not sure how much work I'd get done?
Hubs just had a tow bar fitted, so we can use the decent bike rack and go further afield with the bikes this summer, we're hoping to get to Kerry for a few outings. I'll have to go bike clothes shopping, I don't think my gardening jeans will cut the mustard in Co.Kerry!
Torrential rain this morning and tropical summer this afternoon, which made for a productive day. We got an apartment booked in Sa Tuna for a week at the end of the month, very new and swanky with pool, and only 3 minutes from the beach.....A week is not going to be long enough and we're all excited. La la la, la la la la.
Transferred the almost pot bound seedlings this afternoon, I'm hoping for salad leaves, beetroot, peas, beans, sweetpeas, purple sprouting and marigolds.....if the slugs don't get them first.

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