One Step at a Time

By thepoacher

Safe & Sound

Shaun Junior enjoying the evening sunshine with Maa. Five minutes earlier he had been standing waist deep in the river at Chatsworth Park bleating for help as the bank was too high to climb out.

We tried various ways to assist including trying to push him into the flow in order to beach further downstream but he was having none of it.

Reluctantly we moved on but couldn't get him off our minds as he would certainly have drowned come nightfall.

So we returned to take another look. Close to the water were branches that I could brace myself on and I could just about reach his scruff. He seemed up for it so  I grabbed a handful of Derbyshire wool, put my shoulder into one almighty pull and up came 20 odd pounds of sodden lamb. As soon as his feet got a grip on dry land he was off across the field after mom.

Didn't think I'd have the strength but I think he was a willing rescuee.

Hopefully he will stay out of trouble and live a long and happy life in the meadow.

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