
By littlesedz

Mothers Day!

This morning Mummy and Daddy got up early to watch the Formula 1 whilst I was still asleep. When I woke up Daddy helped me to give Mummy her very first Mother's Day presents. She loves her new charm for her pandora bracelet which says 'happy Mother's Day love Thomas' on it. And she was very happy to finally get a card that says Mummy!!
Me and Mummy went to church, I went up to the front with Auntie Nicola to collect some daffodils for Mummy (auntie Rach took Ava and Hollie to get some for Nicola).
Daddy picked us up from church and took us to see Great Grandma, Nannie and Grandpa at Great Grandma's flat. I gave out some more Mother's Day cards and presents and had some cuddles, then we went to Grandma and Grandad's house for tea (and yet another card, present and cuddles!)
It's been a busy day, but Mummy has loved her first Mother's Day!

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