Cliffs of Moher

I joined the Cliffs of Moher tour today (yeah i skipped the last two talks in the conference *bows head in shame*). I booked for the PaddyWagon tour and I must say it was the nicest coach tour I have ever been to. The views along the route were fantastic and the driver  slash tour guide was entertaining. We stopped for lunch at Doolin and I had the best seafood chowder soup ever. I am going to have to make this soup back in the house! The cliffs were beyond amazing. We were at about 702feet above the waters and if you look down at the side of the cliffs, you get this exhilirating feeling but at the same time you feel very much human. One step on the wrong edge of the cliff will send you tumbling down the rocky bottom of the cliffs! The tour guide warned us that a lady fell down the cliffs sometime ago while doing a selfie. I was not sure if he was joking around or not but as i googled, there really was a woman who fell not long time ago but there was no mentioning of the reason why she fell. Nevertheless that story did not hamper my excitement over visiting this very wonderful gift of nature. It was very windy and honestly very scary to walk along the side of the cliffs (we were walking beyond the designated walking area, rebels!) It was a struggle to keep my balance. It was a fight between the wind and trying to keep my hair from going all over my face. And i was sure in need of a good vision of where i was going to avoid stepping on the wrong side of the cliff.
This is me with the lovely Megan, my Cliffs of Moher buddy during the tour :)

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