The Living Years

By emmaneni1

Hills Hills Hills

We left at 7 am which after the last few days felt like the middle of the night. Our first stop was at the memorial to Petofi Sandor (who our school is named for) in Segesvár. It is believed he died there during the battle of Segesvár. In Hungary he is a legend known for his poetry and being a revolutionary. There was a wreath here from our town and we wondered who laid it.

Next we went to centre of Segesvár and walked up yet another hill. This trip has had too many hills for my liking. We went to the Sighi?oara Citadel which was built in the 12th century and is incredibly beautiful. We saw the clock tower, the house where Vlad Dracula was supposed to be born and the cobbled streets. We then reached the bottom of the Pupil's stairway and climbed up to the top of the hill. It is called this because at the top there is a secondary school, the students must be very fit.

I managed to then get about 10 minutes to myself by lagging behind when were were released for free time. This was nice! I went for a peaceful wander and ordered a coffee at the cafe in Dracula's house. I was shortly joined by a few students and we admired the town, my cow shaped milk jug and laughed when I spilt my coffee over me. As the cafe wasn't open properly yet, the waitress was just very nice she let me use the staff toilet and we went back to the bus. On my wander I was searching for a view of a white church I had seen on our arrival. Eventually I found a place to get a glimpse of it, I leaned over some rails and got a photo of. When we went back to bus I found it was now parked next to said church!

In Kolozsvar we visited an old church but unfortunately I cannot find the name of it. While we waited I took some pictures of graffiti including my first Dracula sighting of the trip! It was famous for being very old and having an altar in which treasure could be hid. There was an exhibition of wooden carvings going on in the church. They were beautiful, mostly of women and children with lovely calm faces. After this we only had about 25 minutes free time which gave us just enough time to walk back to the centre, take a couple of quick snaps St. Michael's church and the square, go to the loo, get a take away coffee and get to the bus stop. This was a shame as it looks like a great city.

We then stopped in Korosfo to see a gorgeous little church. The ceiling was painted by Umling L?rinc in the 18th century. The hymn books have homemade embroidered covers. Traditional red and white embroidered hangings are on the walls. We also got to climb up the bell tower.

This was our last stop in Romania and from here we drove to Hungary, stopped once in Gyula for the toilet and arrived home at about 9.45 pm.

When I got home I turned on my laptop, excited about having internet for the first time in 5 days and my laptop died. (As this is a back blip I can say it's OK now)

I was tired and exhausted but happy that I had such an amazing trip. Transylvania is a spectacular place.

I forgot to say yesterday while I was trying to write my diary one of the students was attacking me with the jumping spider!

Wow what a trip, thank you school and students. (not that they read this!)

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