I'll Never Give Up looking for my Baby

Today, Himself and I decided upon a cultural tour of the area. 

We headed for Roche Bernard.  A little town of Five Bridges.  That's what Rocher Bernard translates as, honest.

It was at La Roche Bernard that we discovered the joy that was Google Translate. 

Bloody hell It is magic, absolute magic.  You hold iPhone up in front of thing you want translated, and like a spell from Harry Potter, the words rejiggle and create the English - well some perverted form of English from the Francais in front of it.

We had much laughs with that.

In St Roche Bernard, we looked for The Pub owned by Sandra Bernhart, wondering what the hell some jaggy American comedian would want to live in a small, quiet, riverside village where barely anyone speaks English.  (Not that her Americanese could ever be described as English...).

It was only as we contemplated the Said Pub over lunch in another one close by (which didn't look quite as scary), that we discovered that it wasn't Sandra Bernhart it was Sarah Bernhardt .  Not a comedian, and not American. 

But also, dead, a very, very, long time ago.  I don't think she still owns the pub.

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