Four years, sorta

The folks at Blip Central keep track of these sort of things. As of today I have posted 4 years worth of blips, although it has taken me a bit longer than 4 years to do it.

I started blipping on April 26, 2011. And I kept at it each and every day until I reached 1,000 blips (which is about 3 months short of 3 years).

But then I decided to take a break, not feel so pressured to post every day. And the funny thing is I just became more obsessive about the photos I did post. So back in June 2014 I started posting every day again and now it is a daily habit I thoroughly enjoy, feeling no pressure at all! 

So I thank Blip for rewarding us for persevering, but the anniversaries don't line up for me anymore. I look forward to the 1500th blip milestone!

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