Vaguely Marvellous

By Benelia

In Which I Nearly Don't Blip

Be warned: large doses of self pity in this blip.

A row at work (not going to go into it, but the usual s**t) and my ongoing snottiness from The Cold That Will Not End left me pretty grumpy when I got home. But lo! My new camera had arrived from the great ebay gods and I was cheered up. And I took lots of photos, some were good, (see above), some not so good but that was becuase I was getting used to the controls, no? No. It's broken. After about 80 photos it started over exposing, then it stopped taking photos at all, and now it displays "lens control error". 

Wish me luck getting my money back. 

Then Ben announced he needed a school letter for tomorrow. The printer's broken. Then I discovered I have lost someone's form they sent me for FSC.

And I almost forgot to blip. 

Now I am going to bed. Night. Tomorrow's another day....

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