Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Busy Tuesday

L started computer club at 8am this morning which meant the others would need to get the bus a few stops earlier. We weren't sure what time it came so of course we were stood there in the rain dutifully early.

Mad rush after school for L's friends party. Lovely place, lots of fun, the mums parting words as I dropped her off were "but she can swim though right?"... She was worried they might want to take a dip in the lake?! L can't swim so of course I worried about her a little while until I could get back to her.

This evening I've been doing a recce for Saturday's wedding. I was a bit late because I dropped M off for her first ever boxing session first. It's wasn't ideal timing all this but I just couldn't miss the opportunity for her to learn something new. Should hopefully be good for her self esteem too.

As I was out when j needed to collect M my lovely neighbour popped in to make sure all kids stayed in their beds. W lasted about 15 mins before having a cry and needing a little carry downstairs.

A busy but activity crammed day

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