Cooking for escape
Thank you all for you kind words for Carys. She seems to have turned a corner over night and the antibiotics have kicked in. She is obviously still covered in spots but she no longer looks like a boxer and her back although spotty is not red and angry.
I'm fairly sure we still had new spots over night, on the soles of her feet and as she is not yet fully scabbed we are still in quaratine. After lunch Daddy took William to the farm and then to Nanna and Poppa's, Carys and I stayed home. I made blueberry muffins (24, two different recipes) as I had a overload of blueberries in the fridge as Carys hasn't been eating. Carys did some of the Crayola Mosaic stuff she got for her birthday, interspersed with me reading her a few chapters of her Delphie books. We are now halfway through book 4 and she loves them. Far Away tree next I think.
Anyway I need to get out tomorrow as I have a severe form of cabin fever so I will be doing something with Wilbo tomorrow as well as running. It was a day off today. Ran the last two days and am heading back to sub 7.30 miling. Rubbish I know but you have to start somewhere and as I have a 5k, two 10k's amd a half marathon on the horizon I need to start!
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