The fool on the hill

By mooncoin

The centre of my world

My little Leatherman broke so after 2 years of procrastination I returned it under the 25 year guarantee and got a replacement - which, as it is the latest model, is actually better than the one that I bust. So I Googled for reviews of this little bit of frippery just to reinforce my belief that my life had just changed for the better. After 20 minutes reading of vainglorious multitool opinion and how some bloke on a hunting expedition butchered a whole deer with nothing more than a tiny knife with a pair of pliers attached, it got me thinking: The internet really has facilitated the age of the anxious consumer. Whatever you want to buy: cutlery, pencils, bath sponges, compost, knitting needles, bicycle pumps, There'll be a review online and some guy will be telling you how this tin opener really has changed his life. And you believe it.

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