horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Non-jumping Jumping Spider

A Zebra Spider to be precise, and a female I think. Teeny little thing, about 4mm long, and clearly enjoying the outside weather as much as we are, given she was sheltering inside.

These are fascinating little arachnids, which don't build webs, but instead leap at their prey, which they can judge the distance to brilliantly due to their massive two front eyes. They attach a little thread before leaping, so if they miss they can climb back to where they were. They manage to jump with a basic hydraulic action, a sudden increase in the blood pressure in the rear two legs straightening them with enough force to propel the little spider.

I was briefly and slowly moving a pen towards her in the hope she would raise those two front 'pedipalps', but really it's just the males courtship dance that causes that (the Peacock Spider being the most extravagant example (trust me, watch the video, it's fab)).

Of course mating for the males is a it of a fraught business - if he doesn't impress there's every chance he'll just be eaten.

Which kinda puts the stress I'm feeling at the moment into perspective.

Today's spider lesson is ended.

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