Nesssaintee's World

By nesssaintee

Woeful Wednesday

It was a wet, wet day.
Glad it's over now, it's been really trying, shouty people to deal with today :-(
Pumps that don't deliver the 90 litres/sec they should, should not be my problem, but hey ho
Have had to re-write plc code to change the operation of the pumps from duty/standby to duty assist as a temporary measure, there is clearly something someone has not taken into account.
But I'm left up sh** creek, holding the baby, without a paddle, as it were
This works really struggles to cope with even today's drizzle, I dread to think what it would be like when it really rains.
The swallows were buzzing about the bio filters, bringing their calming influence with them :-)
The ducks appear to have multiplied quite markedly, tried to get a closer shot of them and the solitary oyster catcher at the other side of the reed bed, but they are shy, and flew off before I could catch a better shot of them :-(
Hope you've all had a good day

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