Dragon Boy and the Racoons

Mr and Mrs Racoon had traveled far for their picnic...the day was so lovely they just kept on walking to try and find that perfect spot.
The Dragon Boy was at the Oceans shore catching fish for his supper when he heard them cry out from a nearby sand dune. Mrs Racoon had got into a scrap with a small dog that was sniffing around their picnic and as she was chasing him off (she is rather feisty and not one to be messed with) tripped over a tree root hurting her foot rather badly.
As it was starting to get late and those two had such a long way home ......Dragon Boy to the rescue......he asked his lovely new Dragon Ship to take them home.....(how he came by that Dragon ship is a rather long story and not to be told here).
I arrived at the beach just as that cheeky Mr Racoon donned Dragon Boys flying hat and glasses and was waving goodbye...the ship was just about to take off into a very lovely cloudy sky with Mrs Racoon safely stowed away in the stern.
(After the ship has taken them home it will always gravitate back to Dragon Boy...I think it is quite a  special love affair).
I have to say that that boy has quite a few good deeds notched onto his belt by now......he is always helping someone out...and off on some fabulous adventure or discovering wonderful things....... I think I will stick closer to him in future...it is always such and interesting experience.

AN: I have been down for the count for the last couple of days and I think another couple before I'm back on my feet..this lurgy struck hard and fast.
I have been working on this for quite some time ....I think its finished and as I haven't been out for the last few days to take pics I thought to post and share this.

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