A roof inhabitant

This little - actually quite large as lizards go - has taken up residence on the roof above our terrace and can often be seen "fait le lizard", not a difficult activity when one is a lizard.
Community event today - walking some of the Chemin Les Traverses with about eight other locals. A welcome stop midway to consume cakes - including one from Tricia - before finishing off walking back to the house. Then a quick turn around for the tapas and film in the village hall.
We were going to give the film a miss but ended pu talking with the man who had brought it and so felt guilty about leaving early.
A big mistake as there is only so much you can bear of watching "cute" otter cubs playing. Certainly an hour followed by questions and long-winded answers was well past our limit, Tricia was all for reintroducing otter hunting as the questions kept coming. And the bloke talking who is the man who knows most about otters in the Ardeche has never actually seen one in the Ardeche....
That said I learnt a couple of interesting things - wolves have made it back to the Ardeche unaided and now reside less that 15km away and secondly vultures are now a plenty at the Monselgues feeding station about 5km away. The wolves are a conservation nightmare as they do enjoy the odd lamb or two. Even less sympathy for those crofters on Uist who maintain the White-tailed Eagles take some lambs. I'd be interested to see their response to a reintroduction of wolves!

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