Hot Day, No Hot Water!

The hot water wasnt working today.
The engineer was called.
I had a day off so pottered in the garden, did some more painting and annoyed Mr W by dropping the side of the Wendy House onto his favourite Rose (makes a change me wrecking the plants instead of him). He thought I had 4 sets of hands instead of just the boring 2!
We sat on our cushioned loungers for the first time in the sun.
Mr W then went off to loose squash.
The Engineer called after waiting in ALL day to say they couldn't make it today after all.
Just as I was running the water the fill pans to boil, it starting coming through hot - I cant tell you the relief of being able to stand under running water instead of in a puddle full of it!!
And the Wendy House never did go up because Mr W wants to do a bit more painting.
Maybe next week.
But while he was out I hung some fairy lights. He hates fairy lights!!!!
And yes, those white dots as paint splatter! Say no more! (all my plants are covered in paint splatter!)


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