My life, my lens

By JennyRampling

Blip birthday

So another significant milestone has been reached in my Blip journey! I cant quite believe I've managed to blip for two hundred days with no gaps.

For some strange reason when thinking about an image to mark the occasion this came into my mind. So today I dashed out at lunchtime to buy sponges (in Jubilee colours of course) and then turned my hand to a new craft of sponge shaping! Blip....what have you done to me! Is this a sane way to spend an evening! I even had to run the bath especially for them! However, I know all my friends within the Blip community understand this madness.

This site provides me with a creative output at the end of a hard days work, the chance to see the world from a different viewpoint and to find photos in the strangest of places. I think my photography is slowly improving and I am very grateful for all the support from friends I have met through this shared passion. I'm always amazed by the number of people who click on my photos and have now had nearly 26,000 views.

Thanks to all of you for making this place so special and I'm already looking forward to seeing what happens during the next one hundred days. x

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