The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

A last day in Toronto ..

I have been truly indulged during my Canadian break and am extremely grateful to my sister and her husband Bill for kindly ferrying me around to various lovely spots.

Today we all went to High Park on a butterfly hunt. We saw a few Canadian Swallowtail tiger butterflies (I think!) ..  but no brilliant photos. There were also a few cedar waxwings - but the cutest beasties of the day were without doubt the chipmunks! Here's a youngster posing beside a dandelion.

A very sad P.S. to this blip - as we were walking back to the car park, a car hit a juvenile American robin - I scooped it up - it was so warm and its tiny heart was pounding ..  very soon it died. What a shame - if only the driver had been slower and more careful.

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