
By Madchickenwoman

"Sexy" Orchids!

Just got back from the allotment with my first strawberries of the season – if you have never picked strawberries in the dark with the light of a head torch you don’t know what you are missing! Slugs have not discovered them yet – not surprising given the vastly overgrown nature of my plot – the daisies and grass are nearly up to my armpits – although I’m small that is still seriously tall!
It’s been a glorious summers day – 22c according to my car! Everything is looking blooming gorgeous – flowers everywhere, lush greens – I think this is the best part of the summer, everything new and sparkling and positively verdant! Homeopath Girl and Portly Lucy and I went to Cotehele mill early this am to see the Marsh Orchids – truly beautiful. She had some interesting details about them – they have the look of the genitalia of insects, so those sex mad creatures are attracted to them! Knowing the variety of orchids that exist, and the other genitalia they resemble, it did make me wonder! Apparently as a tincture they do aid sexual dysfunction!!! You can read all about orchids and in particular their use in  homeopathy here! She had to leave after an hour to take her son to his second driving test so I walked back with her to the carpark and then returned to the orchids! 
Later, having done my shopping and recycling, I went up to Friend with a fruit tart. She was in the garden on a humongous beanbag! The hospital gave her steroids but she is not sure she is going to take them - she is in a great deal of pain from the tumour and constipation being a side effect this is not something she wants to aggravate even further. I could not resist tidying her kitchen/living space. I love tidying and organising! Maybe it gives one the illusion of control? I do feel a certain resonance with Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory!! My own house is cluttered beyond belief - but is is an organised clutter! Everything is where it is because I have chosen it to be there for reason of aesthetics!!!
I'm behind again with everyone's Journals - and am out all day tomorrow at the Contemporary Craft Fair, plus chickens to open and close and 4 bags of sand to get up to the plot as this will be used in the coop instead of shavings - helps to keep the mite population down and gives the girls feet a manicure! I kid you not! Abrasive on mites, abrasive on feet! However I will be Friend monitoring over the weekend so lots of time to catch up on blip then as Friend will just sleep and just needs waking to drink and assistance to get to the toilet. However her internet connection is pretty hit and miss!!! I will try! 

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